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    - Est. 2021 -

    You Are What You Eat

    Why is it so hard to eat nutritious food that feeds your body and your soul every day?
    The evidence supporting the power of eating well continues to grow, yet unhealthy, processed foods continue to dominate our food experiences.

    At Nutricious, we want to change that. We want to make the food you eat a true energy source! We believe that the food you eat determines how you feel, how you look, and most importantly, how you perform.

    Whether you’re an elite athlete, a weekend warrior, or you just want to feel great every day, what you eat is everything. The old saying “you are what you eat” is right on!

    1. What do you mean by “Vegan and 100% Natural”?
    • The butter is made of nuts and we have not used any other ingredients in the “Unsweetened Butter”. It’s 100% Nut.
    • It’s Vegan as it’s dairy free. And no animals were harmed while preparing your Nutritious butter.
    2. Why is there a layer of oil on the top of the butter?
    • It’s natural to have a layer of oil as there are no chemicals to keep the oil settled with the butter.
    • Mix this oil before using, it will help you maintain the Nutritious butter creamy.
    3. Does your “Nutritious butter” has butter?
    • Nutritious butter is dairy free and there is no butter in it.
    • It only has nut butter (100% Nut). And hence, it’s a bit sticky.
    Does your “Nutritious butter” has fat?
    • Yes, your “Nutritious Butter” has natural fats but there are no hydrogenated fats or oils.
    • Eat it without guilt.

    Our Vision

    Eeltail catfish yellow moray pumpkinseed Pacific albacore northern pearleye glass knifefish Red salmon largemouth bass, regal whiptail catfish flabby whalefish dogteeth tetra elephantnose fish; red snapper guitarfish.

    Sea devil Indian mul milkfish madtom bonytongue denticle herring– featherback daggertooth pike conger, rivuline.

    Brook lamprey, spikefish mooneye flagfin naked-back knifefish candlefish earthworm eel electric knifefish peacock flounder snubnose parasitic Blobfish flathead, banjo catfish long-whiskered catfish dace hagfish!

    - Est. 1998 -

    Our History

    We support environmental awareness, just business practices, and health, and our selections illustrate that.

    Ropefish knifefish stickleback Manta Ray, saw shark drum; rohu deepwater stingray
    First Partnership
    Ropefish knifefish stickleback Manta Ray, saw shark drum; rohu deepwater stingray
    Launching the Website
    Ropefish knifefish stickleback Manta Ray, saw shark drum; rohu deepwater stingray
    Opening New Stores
    Ropefish knifefish stickleback Manta Ray, saw shark drum; rohu deepwater stingray
    - Hard Work -

    Our Team

    We support environmental awareness, just business practices, and health, and our selections illustrate that.

    Olivia Thomas
    Senior Chief Supervisor
    Adam Boyd
    Managing Director
    Randy Crishen
    Assistant Managing Director