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    Privacy Policy

    • Nutricious respects the privacy of every individual who visits our website. This Online Privacy Statement (the “Statement”) outlines the information Nutricious will collect on the Site and how we will use that information. This Statement will also instruct you on what to do if you do not want your personal information collected, maintained or shared when you visit the Site
    • If we indicate in this Statement or elsewhere in the Site that personal information is being collected, maintained, used or disclosed, it may be collected, maintained, used or disclosed by Nutricious through its employees, agents or duly authorized representatives.

    Our Vision

    Eeltail catfish yellow moray pumpkinseed Pacific albacore northern pearleye glass knifefish Red salmon largemouth bass, regal whiptail catfish flabby whalefish dogteeth tetra elephantnose fish; red snapper guitarfish.

    Sea devil Indian mul milkfish madtom bonytongue denticle herring– featherback daggertooth pike conger, rivuline.

    Brook lamprey, spikefish mooneye flagfin naked-back knifefish candlefish earthworm eel electric knifefish peacock flounder snubnose parasitic Blobfish flathead, banjo catfish long-whiskered catfish dace hagfish!

    - Est. 1998 -

    Our History

    We support environmental awareness, just business practices, and health, and our selections illustrate that.

    Ropefish knifefish stickleback Manta Ray, saw shark drum; rohu deepwater stingray
    First Partnership
    Ropefish knifefish stickleback Manta Ray, saw shark drum; rohu deepwater stingray
    Launching the Website
    Ropefish knifefish stickleback Manta Ray, saw shark drum; rohu deepwater stingray
    Opening New Stores
    Ropefish knifefish stickleback Manta Ray, saw shark drum; rohu deepwater stingray
    - Hard Work -

    Our Team

    We support environmental awareness, just business practices, and health, and our selections illustrate that.

    Olivia Thomas
    Senior Chief Supervisor
    Adam Boyd
    Managing Director
    Randy Crishen
    Assistant Managing Director